The difference?
Education, Support, & Community

Embark on an exhilarating journey to transform your health and well-being! No matter where you are in your weight loss adventure, join us as we walk beside you with unwavering support and enthusiasm! Your consultation appointment will be a thrilling step towards crafting a personalized plan that not only works but is also perfectly tailored to your lifestyle.

Our individualized programs are not just programs—they are meticulously designed based on your initial labs, health history, and aspirations. Dedicated to those who strive for their optimal weight and wellness, we are here to guide you, whether you're looking to shed 5 pounds or embark on a transformative 100-pound journey.

Experience the excitement of free consultations with Kim Branum, RN-BSN, and Weight Loss Coach. Gain the knowledge, motivation, and unwavering support needed to achieve your optimal weight—and sustain it! Dive into the possibilities with Semaglutide and Tirzepatide injections, available for both in-person and virtual sessions. Your vibrant, healthier self awaits—let's make this journey together! 🌟💪


What makes our program successful

Holistic Approach

Thin Space Wellness focuses on holistic well-being, addressing physical, mental, and emotional aspects for a comprehensive weight loss experience.


Tailored plans cater to individual needs, ensuring effective and sustainable weight loss strategies aligned with participants' unique preferences and lifestyles.

Expert Guidance

The program benefits from a diverse team, including a Nurse Injector, Fitness Coach, and certified Yoga Instructor like Kim, providing participants with comprehensive and expert support.

Supportive Community

Thin Space Wellness cultivates a supportive community, fostering motivation, shared experiences, and positive encouragement for successful and lasting weight loss.

Semiglutide/Tirzepatide (brand names Ozempic, Wygovy, Mounjaro) and supplies included in monhtly membership fees

Customized programs with unlimited coach access. Pricing tailored to individual needs. Schedule a free discovery call for details.

Embark on a transformative health journey with our dedicated support! Whether you're aiming to shed a few pounds or embark on a significant weight loss journey, our personalized programs, crafted based on your labs and health history, are here for you. Join Kim Branum, RN-BSN, Weight Loss Coach & owner of TSW for a free consultation to gain knowledge, motivation, and unwavering support. Explore the possibilities with Semaglutide and Tirzepatide injections, available in-person or virtually. Your vibrant, healthier self awaits—let's make this journey together!